今天 没事,突然想到我的blackberry bold 9000会不会也跟别人一样是硬解或者是不是软解,这话有点矛盾但国内的环境就是这样的,于是咱也上网上查一下IMEI,三码合一的,HOHO。结果如下: Information on IMEI 355256029641072 Type Allocation Holder RIM Mobile Equipment Type RIM Blackberry 9000 Bold GSM Implementation Phase 2/2+ IMEI Validity Assessment > | Very likely Information on range assignment Est. Date of Range Issuance Around Q2 2008 Reporting Body British Approvals Board of Telecommunications (BABT) Primary Market Europe Legal Basis for Allocation EU R&TTE Directive Information on number format Full IMEI Presentation 355256-02-964107-2 Reporting Body Identifier 35...
今天领导在Gtalk上叫我,说我们的Squid有问题,流量不对。于是回头一看Mrtg果然流量呈波浪,怪了,为何会这样?初步已经否定了是Squid 服务器重启的可能性。于是登录查看log : # cat /var/log/squid/cache.log | more 从流量图上应该能判断出出问题的时间应该是在20:15分左右,果然在当时Squid发生了告警: 2009/01/17 20:13:41| WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors 2009/01/17 20:13:57| WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors 2009/01/17 20:14:13| WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors 2009/01/17 20:14:29| WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors 2009/01/17 20:14:45| WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors 既然filedescriptors不够了,那就调一下: # ulimit -SHn 65535 结果仍然没有效果,汗......差点放弃,想重启机器得了。但是一想这也可能跟squid.conf有关,于是又手动改了一最后一行的值: # vim /etc/squid/squid.conf max_filedescriptors 655360 或者你用echo 也行 :P # echo "max_filedescriptors 655360">> /etc/squid/squid.conf OK,重启你的squid 看看吧。 # service squid restart /*你也可以用kill -HUP*/ [root@localhost ~]# uname -a Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.28 #1 SMP Tue Dec 30 10:31:34 CST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x...
Jan 1 09:33:37 ota mountd[32865]: can't register UDP RPCMNT_VER1 service Jan 1 09:33:37 ota mountd[32865]: can't register UDP RPCMNT_VER3 service Jan 1 09:33:37 ota mountd[32865]: can't register TCP RPCMNT_VER1 service Jan 1 09:33:37 ota mountd[32865]: can't register TCP RPCMNT_VER3 service Jan 1 09:33:37 ota mountd[32865]: could not create any services Jan 1 09:34:51 ota rpcbind: cannot create socket for udp6 Jan 1 09:34:56 ota nfsd[32869]: can't bind udp addr *: Address already in use Jan 1 09:35:00 ota mountd[32877]: -alldirs has multiple directories Jan 1 09:35:00 ota mountd[32877]: bad exports list line /usr/ports /usr/src -alldirs -maproot Jan 1 09:35:08 ota mountd[32878]: -alldirs has multiple directories Jan 1 09:35:08 ota mountd[32878]: bad exports list line /usr/ports /usr/src -alldirs -maproot Jan 1 09:35:46 ota mountd[32884]: -alldirs has multiple directories Jan 1 09:35:46 ota mountd[32884]: bad exports list line /usr/ports /usr/src -alldir...